Space Battleship Yamato Wiki

This article is about warp as presented in Space Battleship Yamato 2199 and its sequels. For the comparable phenomenon seen in the original Space Battleship Yamato and its sequels, see Warp (OS).


Yamato BBY-01 approaches the warp grid

The warp, alternatively refered to as Warp Drive[1] or hyperspace navigation,[2] also called geshtam jump[3] by the Garmillas, phase transition dimensional leap[4] or spatial leap[5] by the Gatlanteans, and spacetime leap[6] or simply leap[7] by the Dezarians is the method through which a ship can travel between two points in space at Faster Than Light (FTL) speeds. It can be performed through a Wave-motion Engine or its regional equivalent and has been achieved by multiple human species throughout the universe.


Yamato Warping

Yamato BBY-01 during warping

Warp drive works accordingly to the M-theory of physics. Space itself is seen as a membrane which gets folded to bring two very distant points closer to each other. A wormhole is then opened through the membrane, linking the two points together.[1][8] To achieve warp, a ship needs to be equipped with a Wave-motion Engine or one of its regional equivalents, such as the Geshtam engine for the Garmillas. The engine surrounds the ship with a Wave-motion Shield,[N 1] which moves the space around the ship through the subspace of the wormhole while the ship itself remains immobile inside of the bubble. This way, FTL navigation is achieved without breaking the general theory of relativity. Warping is usually controlled by the Chief Navigator, as timing is highly crucial as a simple miscalculation will result in the ship phasing through the universe itself and remaining forever trapped in the three and a half dimension.[8][9] For warp to be successful, the space-time coordinates for the current location and the destination have to be determined to ensure the vessel stays on course. During warp, time slows down to a near halt and abnormal visual and other sensory input may occur.[8]

The jump itself takes one nanosecond.[10] It is recommended that during the warp process, the crew stays seated and strapped up. To perform the warp, the vessel is required to accelerate to approximately 36 s knots.[8] This acceleration causes time dilation, which at least some ships compensate for by having a dimensional inertial canceller.[11] Warp out causes a gravitaty interference wave.[12]

Even if the distance and direction of a warp are set correctly, there appears to be an error in the warp-out point. This means that rapidly traveling tens of thousands of light years at once could be dangerous because it would amplify the error in the arrival point. Additionally, long-distance warps are constrained by the large amounts of energy they require.[13]

Warp out dimensional fault 2202

Yamato warps out inside of a dimensional fault

Strong gravitational forces can influence a warp. Vessels in the process of warping can be pulled out of it suddenly by an object in the path of the warp.[8] The Walls of Garmillas Subject can create an anti-warp field which prevents ships from warping.[14] Warp may also be influenced by the presence of a dimensional fault in the ship's trajectory. Depending on the unique properties of these pocket dimensions the crew's perception of the warp's nanosecond may be extended significantly, making it be percieved as a much longer time frame. Additionally, once the ship has entered the fault, it may not be able to leave by warping away.[10]


Since warp drive has been achieved independently by various civilizations, regional differences have arisen between their various warping methods. These is mainly seen in the different look of the wormhole opened through time space, called a warp grid; and in the different effects warping-out has on a ship.[9]


The Earthlings first achieved warp in 2199, after being gifted with the plans for a Wave-motion Engine by Iscandar. Their warp grid presents itself as a yellow circle and, during warp-out, the ship is covered by a thin layer of ice which instantly breaks off. The light seen during the warping process depends on the situation.[8][9]

Le chavelier approaches warp

Chevalier approaches warp in 2199


Garmillan vessels perform warp thanks to the Geshtam engine, their variant of the Wave-motion Engine. Their warp grid looks like a vertical red linear cut, slightly enlarged at the warp-in point of the ship.[3] Initially, the ship performing the warp would spin uncontrollably on its axis for a few seconds during warp-out, but this effect disappeared following the end of the Garmillas War.[15][16] The only Garmillas vessel with a unique warp-out was the Gatlantis-built Neu Deusura, which didn't have a warp grid and instead gradually materialized from a flash of light-blueish light.[16] However, the ship could still project a warp grid identical to those of Gatlantean ships.[17]


Gatlantean ships have had two different warp grids. Ships of the Gutaba Expedition Group had, in 2199, a warp grid that resembled a swirling light-blue circle that resembled gas. When a ship exited this warp grid, it was followed by a column of the same material making up the grid, and spun uncontrollably around it's axis, much like early Geshtam engine-equipped ships.[5]

Valsey warp out

The Valsey warps out in 2203

By the year 2202, Gatlantean vessels had a star-shaped warp grid made out of triangles rotating in opposite directions.[5] Despite seemingly being bidimensional, this warp grind actually had girth.[8] As was the case with Garmillas ships, Gatlantean vessels also spun around their axis after warp-out, and were covered by a blue mist during the same process.[5] However, both these effects were dealt away with by the time of the Gatlantis Campaign.[18]


Dezarium warp out

A Dezarian fleet warps out

Dezarian vessels have a cross-shaped warp grid that enlarges slightly at its intersection to allow for the ship to pass. The vessels are also followed by a cloud smoke during warp-out.[19]


Archelian vessels have no warp grid, they simply accelarate to the point they immediately disappear from sight as soon as they warp.[5]


  • The Dezarian space fortress Ground Reverse was not affected by Wave-motion Resonance, in 2207.[20] It's theorised that this happened because the fortress is not powered by Wave-motion Energy. If that's the case, it would mean that Wave-motion Engines are not the only way to achieve warp.[21]
  • Gatlantean and Dezarian warp technology share some similarities:
    • They're the only two species whose ships don't accelerate during warp out.[7][9]
    • They both use the same term (leap, 跳躍, chōyaku) to refer to warping.[5][7]


  1. Yamato Engine & Hangars specifies that Yamato is surrounded by a Wave-motion Shield when warping. Wave-motion Shields hadn't been developed by the Greater Garmillan Empire until at least 2203, but the Garmillas were aware of the existance of "Geshtam fields" as seen in "The Whisper of the Witch".

Japanese language information[]

  • ワープ Wāpu (warp)
  • 超空間航行 Chō kūkan kōkō (hyperspace navigation)
  • ゲシュタムジャンプ Geshutamujanpu (geshtam jump)
  • 相転移次元跳躍 Sōten'i jigen chōyaku (phase transition dimensional leap)
  • 空間跳躍 Kūkan chōyaku (spatial leap)
  • 時空跳躍 Jikū chōyaku (spacetime leap)
  • 跳躍 Chōyaku (leap)