Space Battleship Yamato Wiki

This article is about the underground cities from Space Battleship Yamato 2199 and its sequels. For their counterpart in the original Space Battleship Yamato and its sequels, see Underground city (OS). For their counterpart in the Space Battleship Yamato live action film, see Underground city (live action film)

An underground city is a type of settlement located underneath the Earth's surface. Numerous underground cities were built by the United Nations in the latter part of the 22nd century to serve as strongholds for the people of Earth during the Inner Planetary Wars. They were later reopened and expanded during the Great Garmillas War to protect the Earthlings from the effects of the Grmillan planet bombs, which scarred the Earth's surface turning it into a contaminated waste.

Following the end of the war and the restoration of the Earth's biosphere they passed under the jurisdiction of the Earth Federation which uses them as facilities to evaquate its citizens during emergency situations.


The underground cities are enormous facilities built on several levels beneath the Earth's surface. Monorails serve as the primary transportation method through a city. Light is provided through large circular holes, seemingly outfitted with artificial light sources, that also serve as passages for artight lifts to move through the various city levels. A certain degree of vegetation is maintained inside them.[1]


Construction and early usage[]

Far East Capital

The Far-East District Underground City, one of the underground cities

The Underground cities were initially built during the Inner Planetary Wars fought between the United Nations and the Martian colonists. However, it's unclear whether or not they were ever used for evacuation on a large scale. The cities were reopened during the Great Garmillas War once the Greater Garmillan Empire began bombing the Earth with planet bombs, evaporating its oceans, turning the surface into a red, radioactive waste, and seeding the planet with toxic alien plants. Key UN personnel began being evacuated to the underground cities early in the war by 2192, but citizens continued to live on the surface for the following months.[3][4][5] With the entire Earthling race eventually being forced underground, construction companies all around the world began working to expand the cities, building tunnels greater than humanity had ever constructed before.[1][6]

Kodai shima monorail

Two UNCN cadets pass through a contaminated area inside of a airtight lift

However, by 2199, the planet bombs' radiation began expanding into the upper levels of the cities, and the alien plants began contaminating them. This led experts to believe all safety mechanisms would fail in a year. The worsening condition led to multiple riots throughout the cities, forcing the United Nations Cosmo Force to resort to violence to sedate the protests.[1][7]

On December 8, 2199, the UNCN battleship Yamato returned from an 11 months journey to the planet Iscandar bringing back with it a device that healed the Earth's surface, allowing humanity to finally escape the underground cities and repopulate the surface.[8][9]

Under the Earth Federation[]

Evacuation underground city 2203

Evacuees in an underground city in June of 2203

Following the end of the war, the United Nations were dissolved and the Earth Federation was created, the underground cities thus fell under the federation's jurisdiction.[2] While post-war reconstruction allowed for the resettlement of Earth's surface in places such as the Far-East District, as of 2202 there still existed areas where the population was forced to continue to live in the underground cities.[10]

On December 2, 2202, the underground city under the New Capital was reopened to allow the capital's citizens to escape from a gatlantean attack that threatened the destruction of the entire city.[2] The city was opened again on June 2, 2203, to try and protect the capital's citizens and refugees from the Moon against an attack by the Ark of Destruction that could've annihilated all life on the Earth's surface.[11]

Known underground cities[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 "Messenger of Iscandar"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 "AD 2202 - Revive, Space Battleship Yamato"
  3. "The Era of Space Battleship Yamato: Choice of 2202"
  4. "Escape from the Nightmare"
  5. "Out of the Forest of Memories"
  6. Maeda Construction 2199
  7. "Space Battleship Yamato 2199: Odyssey of the Celestial Ark"
  8. "Memories of the Blue Planet"
  9. Yamato 2199 X NTT Side Story chapter 4
  10. Space Battleship Yamato 2202: Warriors of Love Side Story I: Long Live Garmillon (Ghale Garmillon)
  11. "Farewell, Space Battleship Yamato"
  12. CHARACTERS Space Battleship Yamato 2205 entry for Caroline Raiden
  13. Space Battleship Yamato 2202: Warriors of Love Side Story I: Long Live Garmillon (Ghale Garmillon)
  14. Space Battleship Yamato 2202: Warriors of Love Side Story II: Shima Fukigennosuke