Space Battleship Yamato Wiki

This article is about the Solar system from Space Battleship Yamato 2199 and it's sequels. For its counterpart in the original Space Battleship Yamato and it's sequels, see Solar system (OS). For its counterpart in the Space Battleship Yamato live action film, see Solar system (live action film).

Solar system map

A map of the solar system

The Solar system, known as the Zol system to Garmillas[1] and Gatlantis,[2] is the star system home to Earthlings. It's composed of the Sun, the nine[3] planets orbiting it, as well as multiple smaller celestial bodies. It was the seat of the United Nations and now it is the seat of the Earth Federation.


The Solar system is a star system situated in the Orion arm of the Milky Way Galaxy.[4] It's composed of all of the objects orbiting around the Sun including nine planets.[5] There are two asteroid belts in the system, one is situated between the orbits of the third and fourth planet, while the second is situated beyond the eighth planet's orbit.[6][7] It is generally divided in inner and outer Solar system, with the inner solar system ending at the first Asteroid Belt. The heliopause, the end point of the Sun's solar wind, is considered to be the border of the Solar system.[8][9]


Mars in 2199

A view of the terraformed Mars

In ancient times the Solar system was visited by the Archelias civilization, which seeded its third planet Earth, leading to the development of the Earthling race.[10]

The Earthlings eventually began venturing into space, terraforming and building colonies on the fourth planet Mars around 2111. In the year 2191, warships of the Greater Garmillan Empire entered the Solar system. According the United Nations, this was to be considered trespassing inside of UN territory, leading to the devastating Great Garmillas War, which would render the Earth uninhabitable for the Earthlings until the covert help of another civilization allowed them to restore their planet's biosphere.[9][11][12]

In the following years, the United Nations transitioned into the Earth Federation, which began to expand its borders outside the Solar system and into the greater galaxy.[13][14]

Celestial bodies of the solar system[]

Planets and stars[]

Other objects[]

  • 99942 Apophis: Asteroid in orbit near Venus.
  • 101955 Bennu: Asteroid in orbit near Earth.
  • Asteroid Belt: Region of small bodies located between Mars and Jupiter.
    • Vesta: Asteroid.
    • Pallas: Asteroid.
    • (7482) 1994 PC1: Asteroid.
    • Psyche: Asteroid.
    • Themis Family: Asteroid family.
    • Ceres: dwarf planet.
  • Kuiper Belt: Region of small bodies beyond the orbit of Neptune; source of the planet bombs during the Garmillas War.
    • Pluto: Dwarf planet and Kuiper Belt object; base of operations for Garmillas bombardment of Earth.
      • Charon: Moon of Pluto.
      • Nyx: Moon of Pluto.


  • The Space Battleship Yamato 2202 novelization confirms that Planet 10 exists in the remake continuity, bringing the total number of planets in the Solar System to 10.


  1. "Wish Upon a Star"
  2. "The Beam of Light Flashes! / Radiance of the Wave Motion Gun"
  3. The Space Battleship Yamato 2199 - Astronomical Research only counts Eight planets in the solar system, this is presumably due to the fact that, at the time of its writing, the decision to include the 11th planet in the series had not been made
  4. Space Battleship Yamato 2199 - Astronomical Research p. 104
  5. Space Battleship Yamato 2199 - Astronomical Research p. 1
  6. "The Trap on All Sides"
  7. "Clash! Yamato vs. Andromeda"
  8. "Farewell to the Solar System"
  9. 9.0 9.1 "Messenger of Iscandar"
  10. "Space Battleship Yamato 2199: Odyssey of the Celestial Ark"
  11. "The Era of Space Battleship Yamato: Choice of 2202"
  12. "A World I Once Saw"
  13. "AD 2202 - Revive, Space Battleship Yamato"
  14. "Shock – Legacy of the Cosmo Reverse"

Japanese language information[]

太陽系 Taiyōkei
