This article is about Ryu Hijikata as depicted in Space Battleship Yamato 2199 and its sequels. For his counterpart in Farewell to Space Battleship Yamato and Space Battleship Yamato II see Ryu Hijikata (OS).
Live and dust yourself off. No matter how humiliating it is, survive! Humans are weak. We make mistakes. So what? We’re not machines!—Ryu Hijikata, to Osamu Yamanami[9]
Space Admiral Ryu Hijikata (土方竜 Hijikata Ryū) was a senior officer in the United Nations Cosmo Navy. Throughout the Great Garmillas War, Hijikata held a number of command positions vital to maintaining the defense of Earth.[1]
Following the war, his firm stance against developing wave-motion weapons lead to his dismissal as Space Defense Command commander and banishment to a minor outpost on the outskirts of Earth's solar system.[10][2] Following his rescue during the Battle of the eleventh planet he boarded Yamato later becoming the battleship's commander.[11][12] He played a pivotal role in Yamato's journey towards Terezart and in the Gatlantis Campaign as a whole, serving up until his death in the Golem Assault Battle.[13]
Early Life

A photo depicting Okita, Hijikata, and other of their comrades
Hijikata was born in Tokyo, Japan on the 5th of May 2142, when he was young he joined the National Space Defense Academy where he met Juzo Okita and formed a strong friendship with him and other fellow officers Shuntaro Yasuda, Osamu Yamanami and Tetsutaro Ozaki.[1][7]
During the Garmillas War, Hijikata was appointed commander of the UNCF Space Defense Command at the request of Heikuro Todo of the United Nations Space Agency, and became responsible for the protection of territory within the orbit of the Moon.[1] With the war taking an excessive toll on the pool of talented UNCN officers, Hijikata's superiors felt that his strategic talent would be best used preparing new officers, and he was made the headmaster of the academy. The students that graduated under his leadership included Daisuke Shima and Susumu Kodai.[1][7]

Hijikata and Mori during Operation M
Hijikata was also involved with Program Yamato to use technology given to Earth by Iscandar to save the planet. When an emissary from Iscandar and the daughter of one of Hijikata's friends, Yuki Mori, were injured in a potential terrorist attack in 2198, he became Mori's legal guardian; Mori, having lost most of her memories, took to calling him "Uncle Hijikata"[14][15].
The Admiral monitored Operation M from Earth on January 17, 2199, confirming that the battle had diverted enemy detection from the arrival of a second Iscandarian[7].
2199: Project Yamato
Yamato takes off

Hijikata confronts Okita about his upcoming journey
On the eve of Yamato's mission to Iscandar, Hijikata tried convincing Admiral Juzo Okita, to stay on Earth and attend to his failing health, and to yield command of Yamato to him, however, Okita refused his recommendation but, despite everything, Hijikata respected his friend's decision.
He then participated in a formal send-off from the bridge of Kirishima, coming alongside Yamato and saluting Okita and his crew as the interstellar vessel left Earth's atmosphere. Immediately afterward, he took Kirishima to the Moon to rescue surviving Cosmo Marines that had come under attack during Yamato's launch preparations[16][6][17].
Waiting for Yamato's return

Hijikata and Todo in 2199
Hijikata continued to serve as commander of space defense command after Yamato's departure, working alongside the chief administrator of the United Nations Far-East District, Heikuro Todo.[1]
Hijikata remained an influence in Yuki Mori's life during the voyage to Iscandar. Before crossing the heliopause and leaving the solar system, Mori used her communications ration to contact Hijikata, who asked her to look after Okita's health.[18] During a telepathic attack on Yamato by Mirenel Linke, Hijikata appeared behind Mori in the Yamato's theater while she watched a video (presumably made for Princess Yurisha Iscandar) on how to act like a Earthling.[15] Mori's connection to Hijikata, her amnesia, and possible alterations to Mori's service record lead Yamato security chief Shinya Itou to become suspicious that Hijikata had been involved in a cover-up.[19]

Hijikata and Todo contact Yamato.
As Yamato was traveling to Iscandar and back the situation on Earth worsened severely, riots were breaking out everyday and the 7th UNCM regiment, which Hijikata had rescued on the Moon, were in charge of putting them down in the Far-East District. On December 8, 2199, Hiijkata listened to the complaints of Sergeant Major Hajime Saito of the 7th Regiment, who complained about being forced to turn his guns on civilians, Hijikata continued to fiercely mantain his faith in his friend. Exactly at that moment, UNCF HQ recieved a message from Yamato, which had finally menaged to return to the Solar System[20]. He and Todo were the first to greet Yamato near the end of its journey back to Earth.[21]
2199-2202: Outcast

Hijikata rejects Redrowz request to investigate the ruins
Following Yamato's return, the leadership of the newly founded Earth Federation and the United Nations Cosmo Force rejected a treaty signed by the now deceased Admiral Okita with Queen Stasha Iscandar and embarked on the construction of a new fleet armed with wave-motion weapons. Hijikata fought against the decision, and was removed from command. Despite the damage to his own career, he was able to defend the surviving senior officers of Yamato from retaliation for taking the same position. Hijikata was reassigned to the Outer Defense Division, and was stationed on the eleventh planet, on the faraway margins of the solar system[2][10].
As commander of the Outer Defense Division, Hijikata's responsibilities included reviewing civilian activities outside the solar system. In December 2202, the admiral refused to give immediate approval to a plan by Professor Robert Redrowz to investigate ancient ruins from the Archelias civilization, despite a directive from the U.N.F. General Staff office[10].
2202-2203: The War with Gatlantis
Invasion of the 11th planet

Hijikata tries to surrender to Cosmodart
On December 24, 2202,[22] a vanguard fleet of the Gatlantis Empire under the command of Cosmodart launched an invasion the 11th planet. With few effective defenses and almost no way to summon reinforcements, the capital city was rapidly destroyed and the population was slaughtered. After evacuating the surviving citizens in an underground shelter, Hijikata and his staff attempted to surrender to the Gatlanteans, but the surrender was immediately rejected, and Hijikata's command center was hit by enemy fire[23].
Saito brings Hijikata on Yamato
The Admiral and two of his junior officers were eventually discovered in the rubble by Cosmo Marines Hajime Saito and Shiori Nagakura and brought to safety on Yamato, which had arrived to the planet to carry out a rescuse mission. As Saito watched the enemy fleet assemble an Legionnaire Cannon, he implored Yamato's interim commander, Susumu Kodai, to fire the ship's DWIE and destroy the Gatlantean force, Hijikata promptly confirmed to the marine that Kodai was going to shoot. He later commented on Kodai's tactic of using the wave-motion gun not to annhilate the invaders, but to disable their weapons. He stated it could only work if the Gatlanteans were humans like the Earthlings and the Garmillans, something that he was unsure of.[11]
Battle at Stravase
For this topic in more detail see, Battle on Planet Stravase
While Hijikata was onboard recovering from his injuries, Yamato moved towards the planet Stravase to meet with a garmillan transport fleet, which would carry the survivng civilians to Earth.[12]

Hijikata and Saito discuss about Yamato
Hijikata decided not to return to his home planet and to follow Yamato on its journey to Terezart. He was confronted on this decision by his friend Saito, who, after seeing Yamato's reluctance during the previous battle, had grown disillusioned in the battleship's capabalities and sought to board a more combat-ready ship. The old admiral simply explained that he wanted to remain on board of his deceased best friend's ship.[12]

Hijikata assumes command during the Battle on Planet Stravase
As the civilians were boarding the garmillan ships, Professor Redrowz, now a living dead body under the control of Gatlantis, left Yamato on a stolen reconnaissance plane. His assistant Toko Katsuragi, secretly a Gatlantean spy, and Kodai left the ship to chase him. At the same time, the Destruction Liberation Army, a Garmillan terrorist group, launched an attack on the Earth battleship. They put multiple interplanetary ballistic missiles on standby above the planet's surface. If utilized, the missiles would've destroyed the already unstable vulcanic world.[24][25]
Yamato's XO Shiro Sanada was willing to take the initiative and strike at the enemy fleet, but Hijikata ordered him to stand down and assumed command of the ship for the battle. Knowing that the Liberation Army missiles would have killed the civilians if they were set out, he ordered the battleship to act as bait for the rebels to lure them away from the refugees. As soon as the civilians were out of harm's way aboard the garmillan ships, Hijikata ordered to engage the enemy's flagship in close combat. This pushed the Liberation Army's commander to activate the interplanetary missiles, which rained down on Stravase's surface, initiating a planetary collapse.[25]

Hijikata fires the Wave Motion Gun
During the battle, Kodai and Mori fell from their respective vehicles and remained trapped inside of a space devoided of physical mass created at the center of the collapsing planet. Under Sanada's suggestion, Hijilata shot the Wave-motion Gun himself at the planet's core, reversing the gravity and allowing the two Lieutenants and the Garmillas fleet to drift away.
Recieving the Call
Hijikata confers with Sado
Following the battle, Hijikata continued recovering from his injuries in Yamato's medical section. During his stay there, he voiced to Dr. Sakezo Sado his fear of Kodai collapsing under stress. The two were however interrupted by Mori, who had come to visit her adoptive father. The Admiral reassured her that, despite everything, he was sure Kodai would have made it and that, since she was his significant other, she knew that better than anyone else.[26]
Eventually, Yamato received a message from the goddess Teresa of Terezart via her Cosmo Wave. Hijikata also heard the call and chose to officially join the journey to Terezart.[26]
Battle at the Archelian Ruin
For this topic in more detail, see Battle in Subspace

Hijikata observes the meeting
Later, Hijikata participated in a meeting in Yamato's conference room where the ship's officers analyzed the data left behind by Teresa's message. Discovering that Terezart had been surrounded by an artificial rocky enclosure, he commented that the only way for them to make contact with Teresa would be to utilize the combined might and mobility of the Air Corps and the Space Cavalry they had rescued on the 11th planet.
Immediately after the meeting, Yamato came under attack from the Desler fleet, headed by former Supreme Leader of Garmillas Abelt Desler. Multiple missiles were transported with an Instantaneous Material Transporter to surround Yamato. Hijikata arrived on the bridge as Kodai ordered to calculate an escape route, which was rapidly found by the ship's autonomous sub-unit. Despite Hijikata's warning about the escape route possibly being a trap, the battleship warped, as it was their only way of escaping the immediate danger.[27]

Hijikata assumes command for the battle
They found themselves inside an enclosed space filled with the remnants of a supernova, forcing the crew to turn off the wave-motion engine as the high-energy atoms and accelerated electrons and protons which filled the area could have caused the engine to explode. There, the Desler fleet continued to pursue the battleship, forcing it to approach and enter an ancient tubular Archelian ruin at the center of the pocket dimension. Realizing that the structure that they were in was connecting the two dimensions, Hijikata devised a plan to return to real space: Yamato would release Wave-Motion Energy into the tube, then draw the thermal radiation back into the Wave-Motion Engine and use it to warp away. Before the plan could be put into action, Desler shot at the structure using his flagship's Desler cannon. The Admiral told Kodai that if they released Yamato's gravity anchor and absorb the shockwave, they would have been able to reach warp velocity without activating the Wave-Motion Engine. The plan succeeded, and Yamato managed to escape its pursuers.[27]

Hijikata and Mori discuss in a lounge area
As Yamato resumed regular navigation, Mori asked him to take command of the battleship. Hijikata refused, stating that he was only getting them out of a mess after helping them fall into an enemy trap. He continued observing her worry for Kodai and telling her that while his path was daunting, she had to allow him to make it on his own and support him when needed. He told her that her parents backed each other until the end, and he knew that she and Kodai could do the same.[27]
The White Comet and Toko Katsuragi
Hijikata was on the bridge when Yamato first got a look at the White Comet, Gatlantis's presumed capital, through an analysis of optical data.[24]
Hijikata and Sanada assist to the interrogatory
When Toko Katsuragi was revealed to be a Gatlantean spy, he urged the crew to remain calm and cautious as she could presumably blow herself up similarly to the Gatlantis-made living dead bodies. Suddenly, as Katsuragi was being chased around in the ship, the White Comet warped directly in front of Yamato, attracting it inside its massive gravity field. There the Earthlings found themselves surrounded by thousands of inactive Gatlantean ships. After the battleship managed to escape, Hijikata suggested that the Gatlanteans didn't attack them simply because they didn't see them as a threat, a thought that greatly upset Kodai.[24]
He assisted to Katsuragi's interrogation with Mori, Sanada, Saito, Sado, and Lieutenant Keyman of the Garmillan Embassy. Despite failing to extract any valuable information from her outside of her real name, Sifar Saberah, the Admiral noted that if she was a living dead body, she would have already exploded, thus implying that she must have been a unique being.[24]
Liberating Terezart
For this topic in more detail, see Terezart Landing Operation

Yamato during the Terezart Landing Operation
On March 2203,[22] Yamato approached Terezart, and the bridge crew met to outline a strategy to liberate the planet. Hijikata reminded the crew that the plan could not remain rigid and that their surprise factor was the only thing that gave them a chance to win.
Hijikata accepts captainship of Yamato
During the operation, Yamato remained stuck in a gap inside Terezart's artificial crust. Seeing the situation was desperate, Saito called Yamato's bridge and personally asked Hijikata to fire the Wave-motion Gun directly at the enemy fleet, as he knew Kodai's promise forbid him to do so. However, Keyman interrupted the cosmo marine, stating that the burden of the DWIE was shared by all those who had travelled to Iscandar, and that they needed to free themselves from it alone. Hijikata agreed and as the entire crew prepared to fire, he accepted Kodai's previous appointment of him as captain of Yamato. Kodai fired, destroying the enemy fleet.[28] Hijikata continued to direct the second phase of the operation. When Keyman realised that the enemy was using a copy of the Garmillan Reflective Satellite Cannon, he sent him to assist the ground team trying to disable it as he had more knowledge of the weapon than anyone else on board.[29]

The Desler fleet surrounds the Terezarium
Desler's blockade
For this topic in more detail see, Blockade of Terezart
As the battle drew to a close a landing team of Saito, Sanada, Kodai, and Nagakura left for the Terezarium, Teresa's sanctum. However, the area was rapidly encircled by the Desler fleet.[29][30]

Hijikata orders Yamato to take off toward the Earth
Hijikata tried contacting Nagakura and Kodai to no avail. A plan was devised for Keyman to leave with his Czvarke fighter to contact Kodai and his team, while the Admiral and Yamato drew out the enemy fleet. During the following battle Yamato's engine was blocked by an Anti Wave-motion Lattice, forcing the ship to crashland. As soon as the lattice was deactivated, Hijikata ordered to take off ignoring chief engineer Tokugawa's preoccupations.[30][31]
After the end of the battle, he addressed the crew stating that Teresa had entrusted them with the prayer to stop Gatlantis. He ordered to reverse course and to take off at full speed toward Earth.[31]
Battle of Saturn
For this topic in more detail, see Battle of Saturn
During Yamato's journey back towards Earth, the battleship recieved data from Earth Defense Force HQ, including private messages sent by the families of the crew which Hijikata ordered Mori to deliever. He then participated in a meeting held in the ship's strategy room where Sanada proposed the Transit Wave-motion Gun theory, the idea of utilising the deactivated Anti Wave-motion Lattice to boost the DWIE.[32]

Yamato falls to the White Comet's gravitational pull.
On May 9, 2203, Yamato arrived to the battlefield at Saturn, just in time for Hijikata and the crew to witness the White Comet annihilate the Yamanami Fleet and the ringed planet itself. Betting everything on the Transit Wave-motion Gun, Hijikata ordered to prepare the firing. However, due to the emprisoned Toko Katsuragi's manipulation of one of Yamato's pilot, the Anti Wave-motion Lattice was reactivated, causing the Wave-motion engine to fail and the battleship to get caught in the White Comet's gravity field.[33]

Hijikata glances at Okita's basrelief before ordering the crew to abandon the ship.
Faced with the inevitable, the Admiral ordered all hands to abandon ship, he sorrowfully shut down any complaints from the crew and directed the evacuation intending to go down with Yamato. As the battleship reached the time limit for withdrawing he sent a low energy communication to the nearby Andromeda-class Antares, urging them to retreat, leaving behind Yamato and the remaining crew members left on board.[34]
Zemuria and the origin of Gatlantis

Hijikata and Sado watch Mori
Yamato crashlanded on Planet Zemuria, which had been enclosed by Galtantis inside of their mobile capital. Hijikata went back to his quarters and was given the Anti-Wave lattice's activation device by Tokugawa. He and Dr. Sado later observed Mori, who, during the landing, had suffered a head injury and had lost all of her memories of the past four years, albeit regaining those she had before her incident in 2198.[34][35]

Hijikata and the crew watch as Katsuragi is once again interrogated
The Admiral later watched Kodai and Keyman re-interrogate Katsuragi from the security room. The crew had obtained information regarding Gatlantis' origin and the involvement of the original Sifar Saberah, of whom Katsuragi was a copy. Being exposed to this knowledge reawakened Katsuragi's buried memories, and she agreed to collaborate with Yamato's crew giving them the position of Golem, a Zemurian weapon capable of killing all Gatlanteans in an instant.[35]
Aware of Katsuragi's betrayal, the Gatlantean Emperor Zworder ordered the destruction of Zemuria so that Yamato wouldn't escape with the knowledge of Golem's existence. As a Legionnaire Cannon was formed near the planet, Hijikata hailed Yamato to take off, using the shockwave of the planet's destruction to escape the White Comet's gravitational pull.[35]

Hijikata confronts Yamanami on his suicide run
At that time, Captain Yamanami was leading a suicide attack against Gatlantis with a BBB detachment. He managed to see Yamato struggling to escape the White Comet. Yamanami announced to the rest of the UNCN forces that Yamato was still standing and that he and his Andromeda would approach the center of the Comet to destroy its gravity well. Understanding that his friend's action would lead him to sacrifice his life, Hijikata scolded him, telling him to keep living despite all his regrets. At the same time, the Yamato-class ship Ginga arrived on the battlefield and used its CRS to boost Andromeda's Wave-motion Gun. Thanks to the combined effort of the two warships, the Comet's gravity well was heavily damaged, allowing Andromeda to carry Yamato away.[9]
Desler's Last Battle
For this topic in more detail, see Battle against Neu Deusura
Hijikata talks with the wounded Yamanami
Following the battle, Yamato was repaired in an emergency drydock near Mars. Hijikata confronted the wounded Yamanami as he was carried away from the battlefield, stating that they had only just begun to be tested, and that the real challenge for humanity was still awaiting them.[36]

Hijikata accepts Kodai's proposition
As Yamato took off toward the Earth, Hijikata attended a strategic meeting to discuss their plans for the upcoming battle. The strategy was to use the Transit Wave-motion Gun to break through the Comet's defenses and then for a small assault corps to reach the Great Emperor's throneroom and seize Golem. Kodai asked Hijikata if it was possible to try a different approach and negotiate with the Gatlantean sovereign once the assault corps reached the throne room. The Admiral agreed with him and told him to take the opportunity to do so, but also to know when to give up.[36]
Later, in the captain's cabin, Keyman, Hijikata, and Kodai told Saito that the 7th Regiment was being pulled from the mission. This was due to the suspect of a second Gatlantean spy other than Katsuragi being on board Yamato, and the most likely suspect being the Space Cavalry since they had been brought aboard after the Battle of the eleventh planet.[36]
Yamato warps in front of Neu Deusura
Later, while on the bridge, Keyman spotted the light of a charging Desler cannon off in the distance. Despite doubting an honorable man like Desler would use a sneak attack, Hijikata ordered Yamato to jump ahead to eliminate all doubts. The Earth cbattleship warped out directly in front of Desler's Neu Deusura. The garmillan Supreme Leader ordered his flagship's coreship to be detached, and Hijikata ordered his ship to ram the enemy. He then instructed the Space Cavalry's Alpha Team to prepare to board the enemy ship.[36]
Hijikata watches as Katsuragi mourns her lost son
The battle ended with a confrontation between Abelt Desler, Kodai, Keyman, and the Type Zworder Gatlantean Mil, the future heir to Zworder and a clone of his and Saberah's deceased adopted son. Despite Kodai trying to negotiate with Mil, a group of Garmillan soldiers suddenly arrived at the Neu Deusura's bridge and fired at the Gatlantean, throwing away any remaining possibility for peace between the Earth and Gatlantis. Hijikata was present when Katsuragi was presented with Mil's body, and he contemplated the opportunity they had just wasted, understanding that now the war could only end with the annihilation of one of the two sides.[37]
Golem Assault Battle
For this topic in more detail, see Golem Assault Battle

Yamato fires the Transit Wave-motion gun
The day after its battle with Desler,[22] Yamato warped in front of the White Comet, which had broken the anti-warp field at Mars and was nearing Earth. The battleship fired the Transit DWIE, heavily damaging Gatlantis's capital and fleet. With the aid of the Garmillan Ambassador Burrell and a fleet of dimensional submarines, Yamato was escorted inside the fortress to seize Golem.[13]
Hijikata gladly accepted their help, pondering if that too was the work of Teresa's bonds. As the ship emerged inside of the Ark of Destruction's fiery red bowels he ordered every battle group to launch as Yamato was faced by an increasing number of Eater Is and Gostoke-classes. The battleship was heavily targeted and received heavy damage. Two dozen Gostokes unleashed their full firepower on her, causing the bridge's ceiling to crumble over Hijikata's post, mortally wounding him.[13]

Hijikata gives his last order to Kodai
Kodai rushed over and ordered to call Dr. Sado, but the dying senior officer stopped him. He pointed to a large number of gatlantean Calaklum-classes visible on Yamato's monitor and told him that they were still under the control of Touko Katsuragi's Cosmo Wave. He instructed the tactical officer to use the ARGO system on them to protect their remaining air forces.[13]
Regaining composure in his last moments, Hijikata named Kodai the next captain of Yamato, bidding him to "grasp the future". After saying these last words of encouragement to his successor, the Admiral passed.[13]
Post Mortem

Hijikata and Okita's spirits appear on Yamato's bridge
As Teresa descended from the Higher Dimension, Hijikata's spirit appeared together with those of Okita, Mamoru Kodai, and the deceased Yamato crew members from both of the ship's journeys. They accompanied Kodai and Mori as they made their suicide run against the trasformed White Comet.[38]
Thanks to Hijikata's advice, Yamato reached Zworder's throneroom. Thanks to Teresa descending from her dimension, the battleship brought an end to the war. As the goddess herself said, if only one person had been missing, the future in which she managed to manifest herself and attack the White Comet together with Yamato wouldn't have come to be. In that sense it's also thanks to Hijikata that the Gatlantis Empire was ultimatly defeated.[39][38]

Hijikata smiles as Saito barges in the Far East Command HQ
In addition to his military acumen,[1] Ryu Hijikata maintained a close friendship with and loyalty to his academy classmate, Juzo Okita. Even as conditions on Earth grow more desperate, he did not lose faith that Okita and Yamato would return in time to save their world.[6][40] After Okita's death, Hijikata does not hesitate to defend his legacy and those who served under him[10].
Hijikata also displayed great patience and a willingness to listen. After rescuing Sargeant Hajime Saito and his fellow Marines from the Moon, the Admiral endured an angry rant from Saito and answered his questions without calling him out on his insubordinate attitude. Hijikata came to appreciate the Sargeant's boldness and the two became friends over the following years.[11][6]

Hijikata regained his confidence during Yamato's journey to Terezart
Following his exile to the the 11th planet, mostly due to his inability to protect the planet from Gatlantis's invasion, Hijikata began to think of himself as a loser and someone unfit to take a command position. For these reason he refused in multiple occasion to take captainship of Yamato. However, he decided to remain aboard the ship out of loyalty for his best friend and his "children" and, during his journey, he regained his confidence and eventually accepted the position of commander.[12][26] [28] Despite this he continued to feel the weight of his position and of measuring up to Okita up until his final confrontation with his friend and pupil Yamanami.[34][9]
Commands held
Great Garmillas War
Gatlantis Campaign
- Outer Defense Division (Up until December 24, 2202)[2]
- Yamato BBY-01 (By March 26, 2203 up until June 2, 2203)
Great Garmillas War
- First Battle of Pluto (spectator)
- Second Attack on Yamato (manga only)
Gatlantis Campaign
- Battle of the eleventh planet
- Battle on Planet Stravase
- Battle in Subspace
- Terezart Landing Operation
- Blockade of Terezart
- Battle of Saturn
- Decisive Battle off Mars
- Golem Assault Battle
Behind the scenes
Unshō Ishizuka portrayed Ryu Hijikata in Space Battleship Yamato 2199 and Space Battleship Yamato 2199: Odyssey of the Celestial Ark, and through "Heir to the Yamato, Her Name is Ginga", the nineteenth episode of Space Battleship Yamato 2202: Warriors of Love. Following Ishizuka's death in August of 2018, Naomi Kusumi assumed the role in "Escape from the Nightmare!"[41] He is voiced by Bill Jenkins in english.
His role in Space Battleship Yamato 2202: Warriors of Love is similar to the one he played in the original Farewell to Space Battleship Yamato movie, rather than the one he played in Space Battleship Yamato 2. In the movie, he becomes Yamato's second captain, much like in the reboot series. In the original plan for Farewell, most of the Yamato's crew was supposed to object to Hijikata's captainship of Yamato, proposed by Kodai, and would only come around to make him the captain after the battle on Terezart.[42] This is mirrored in Hijikata accepting the position of captain during the Terezart Landing Operation.
His redesign was handled by Nobuteru Yuki.[43] He shares his surname with Hijikata Toshizō, a vice-commander of the Shinsengumi police corps.
- Hijikata is the one of the "early appearances" in Yamato 2199 (alongside Hajime Hirata and Osamu Yamanami), a character or situation that had not been shown in the original twenty-six episode series but was introduced later in one of its sequels. Unlike Yamanami, though, Hijikata has a nearly identical resemblance to the original.
- ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 Official Space Battleship Yamato 2199 website character data
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Official Space Battleship Yamato 2202 website character data
- ↑ Yamato, Attack the Comet Empire!
- ↑ The Era of Space Battleship Yamato: Choice of 2202
- ↑ Earth, Yamato Is...
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Space Battleship Yamato 2199: Odyssey of the Celestial Ark
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 "Messenger of Iscandar"
- ↑ Shock – Legacy of the Cosmo Reverse
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 "Escape from the Nightmare!"
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 "Shock – Legacy of the Cosmo Reverse"
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 11.2 "The Beam of Light Flashes! / Radiance of the Wave Motion Gun"
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 "The Trap at Planet Stravase!"
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 "Yamato, Attack the Comet Empire"
- ↑ "Out of the Forest of Memory"
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 "Whispers of the Witch"
- ↑ "Toward a Sea of Stars"
- ↑ "Escape from the Jupiter Sphere"
- ↑ "Farewell to the Solar System"
- ↑ "Point of No Return"
- ↑ Space Battleship Yamato 2199: Odyssey of the Celestial Ark
- ↑ "Memories of the Blue Planet"
- ↑ 22.0 22.1 22.2 "The Era of Space Battleship Yamato: Choice of 2202"
- ↑ "Battle to the Death – The 11th Planet Rescue Operation"
- ↑ 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 "The Shocking White Comet Empire - The Yamato Rams Through!"
- ↑ 25.0 25.1 "Zworder, the Devil's Alternative"
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 26.2 "Bewitching - The Space Fireflies Beckon a Crisis"
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 27.2 "Desler's Challenge!"
- ↑ 28.0 28.1 "The Terezart Landing Operation – Crush the Enemy Missile Fleet!"
- ↑ 29.0 29.1 "Zurvival's Fierce Assault - Find Teresa"
- ↑ 30.0 30.1 "O Teresa, Cry for Desler!"
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 "Farewell, Teresa! Flowers for Two Deslers"
- ↑ "Battle off the Coast of Saturn - Gather the Wave Motion Gun Fleet!"
- ↑ "Yamato in Crisis - The Devil's Alternative Once More"
- ↑ 34.0 34.1 34.2 "Heir to the Yamato, Her Name is Ginga"
- ↑ 35.0 35.1 35.2 "Gatlantis, the Cursed Children"
- ↑ 36.0 36.1 36.2 36.3 "The Fated Showdown"
- ↑ "Soldiers of Love"
- ↑ 38.0 38.1 "Farewell, Space Battleship Yamato"
- ↑ "Yamato, Attack the Comet Empire!"
- ↑ "Toward a Sea of Stars"
- ↑ Anime News Network article on Space Battleship Yamato 2202
- ↑ Farewell to Space Battleship Yamato, Warriors of Love, Complete Reprint of the Scenario Roadshow Special Edition Farewell to Space Battleship Yamato VOL.2 Definitive Edition!
- ↑ Space Battleship Yamato 2199 Model Sheet Design Collection EARTH p.229