Space Battleship Yamato Wiki

The New Capital is the seat of government of the Earth Federation located in Japan, Earth.


The Earth Federation was founded in the aftermath of the Great Garmillas War, its capital city was built in Japan in the vicinity of the abbandoned Far-East District Underground City.[1][2]

White comet over Earth

The Gatlantean mobile capital over the NewCapital on June 2, 2203

On December 2, 2202,[3] the New Capital was threatened by a Gatlantean warship making a suicide run on the UNF Headquarters, and the citizens were evacuated to the underground city.[1] The New Capital was bombed and occupied by the Gatlantis Astro Fleet on June 2, 2203,[3] when the Gatlantis Empire declared control over the Earth.[4] The city was once again evacuated during the Golem Assault Battle.[5]

2205 Earth capital

The New Capital in 2205

Following the end of the Gatlantis Campaign, the New Capital was rebuilt thanks to the time fault factory. On December 30,[6] General Kotetsu Serizawa used the example of the rebuilt capital as proof of the Earth needing the time fault for its post-war reconstruction effort during his speech prior to the Referendum on Kodai and Yuki Mori's repatriation.[7]

On October 2, 2205,[8] various screens on the side of buildings in the capital streamed the live departure of the 65th Escort Corps on a peace mission to the Salezar system.[9]

Grand reverse lands

Citizens watch as the Ground Reverse lands in the Earth Federation's capital

In October 2207, a Dezarian space fortress called the Ground Reverse broke through the Earth Federation's lines of defense and landed in the middle of the New Capital. Dezarian paratroopers and multi-legged tanks stormed the city and put it under their occupation.[10]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 "AD 2202 - Revive, Space Battleship Yamato"
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Tension – Reach the Embassy on the Moon"
  3. 3.0 3.1 "The Era of Space Battleship Yamato: Choice of 2202"
  4. "Warriors of Love"
  5. "Farewell, Space Battleship Yamato"
  6. "The Era of Space Battleship Yamato: Choice of 2202" establishes that Yamato returns to the Earth on December 31, 2203. Since the ship returns at dawn, and it was launched immediately after the referendum, as its seen being prepared during Sanada's speech, the voting must occur on December 30
  7. "Earth, Yamato is..."
  8. Space Battleship Yamato 2205 Complete Works p.162
  9. "Yamato, a New Departure!!"
  10. STORY Be Forever Yamato: REBEL 3199

Japanese language information[]

新都 Shinto
