Space Battleship Yamato Wiki

This article is about Mars as depicted in Star Blazers: Space Battleship Yamato 2199 and its sequels. For its counterpart in the original Space Battleship Yamato and its sequels, see Mars (OS)

Mars, also known as Sol IV,[4] is the fourth planet in the solar system and the first space colony of the Earthling race.


Due to the oxidised iron in Mars's soil, the surface of the planet is red in color. The planet has both liquid and solid water, the former of which was not present before terraformation in the first half of the 22nd century. The planet possesses a large basin known as Amazonis Planitia which was filled with water during after the terraformation of the planet.[5]


Colonization of Mars[]

Martian alien ship

The wreck of the alien warship

The Earthling race first reached Mars in 2042, and they began colonizing the planet in 2111. Cities such as Arcadia Port began being built on the surface, and the planet began undergoing a terraforming process.[2]

Despite the apparent state of peace, the Martian Autonomous Government secretely acquired access to an alien wreck that had crashlanded on the planet and, in the years following the initial colonization, reverse-engineered the sophisticated technology and used it to create the first human space navy, the Martian Autonomous Government Space Navy.[2]

Aware of its military superiority, in 2164 Mars declared its independence and refused to send resources to Earth; this lead the UN to send a ship of ground-control troops to the rebel planet but their forces were utterly crushed by the Martian Independence Army's battleships, which forced the Earth's troops to hastily retreat to the moon, where they managed to bring a barely disactivated martian battleship. This event and the martian struggle for complete autonomy would spark a series of two devastating conflict that would come to be known as the Inner Planetary Wars . To retaliate against the Martian Fleet, the UN created the United Nations Cosmo Navy, with its two first classes the Murasame-class and the Kongo-class entering service in 2170 and 2171 respectively. In the same period, a vast network of underground cities was constructed across the entire planet in case of an emergency evacuation.[2]

Martian Space Fleet

The Martian Autonomous Government Space Navy

The Second Inner Planetary War started in 2180, despite being technologically superior, by the end of the war the ships of the Martian Autonomous Government Space Navy were defeated by the overwhelming numbers of the UNCN; the same year, the Martian government surrendered and all martian survivors were forced to emigrate back on Earth, leaving all settlements abandoned.[1] The terraforming of Mars subsequently stopped.[6]

Great Garmillas War[]

In 2191, the United Nations made first contact with the Greater Garmillan Empire, soon a war broke out between the two factions causing the establishment of a garmillan base on Pluto and the continous bombing of Earth with planet bombs. In 2192, the UN launched a massive counterattack with its reorganised fleets at Mars establishing the Asteroid Belt as an absolute defense line against the invaders.[2]

Second Battle of Mars wreckage

wreckage of various UNCN warships in the aftermath of the Second Battle of Mars

In year 2198, after 7 years of war and 6 years of non-stop bombing, the UN decided to unleash all of its remaining fleet power in a decisive battle off the coast of Mars. Operation K2, also known as the Second Battle of Mars, was led by admiral Okita. The fleet that took place in the battle consisted of ships from various nations of Earth. The battle marked the debut of shock cannons, which would later become standard weaponry for all UNCN ships.[2]

The battle was a success for Earth, which managed to push the invaders out of the inner solar system. The battle raised morale among the people of Earth despite its great cost, demonstrating that victory over their adversary was not impossible.[1] The battle also elevated the reputation of Admiral Okita, to the jealous irritation of General Serizawa; the general's view of Okita would be tainted for years afterward.[7]

Gatlantis War[]

In May of 2203,[2] the Earth Federation entered a state of war again the Gatlantis Empire, following the devastating Battle of Saturn, the Earth-Garmillas joint forces formed an absolute devense line on Mars. There, the joint forces lead by Captain Kozo Tani and Ambassador Loren Burrel engaged Gatlantis in the Decisive Battle off Mars. This battle too endeed in a devastating loss for the Earth and Garmillas, but during the fighting the earthling battleship Andromeda managed to damage Gatlantis's gravity control device and save space battleship Yamato, paving the way for Gatlantis's eventual defeat at the Golem Assault Battle.[3] Following the battle, the surviving UNCN forces retreated to an emergency drydock near Mars where Yamato was refitted in preparation for the next battles.[8]

The battle between the Earthlings and Gatlantis resulted in heavy damage to the area of Mars.[9]


Japanese language information[]

火星 Kasei
