Space Battleship Yamato Wiki

This page lists all episodes from Space Battleship Yamato 2199.

The "Release Date" column lists the debut of the episodes, which were initially shown in theaters as blocks of two to four episodes prior to home video distribution and broadcast on Japanese television. The "Days Left" column indicates the time remaining before all life on Earth is expected to perish from radiation poisoning, announced in voiceover during the credits of most episodes.[1]

Episode English Title Japanese Title First Release Date English Language Release Date (Voyager release dates in italics[2]) Days Left
1 "Messenger of Iscandar" イスカンダルの使者 April 7, 2012 February 27, 2014
November 8, 2017
2 "Toward a Sea of Stars" 我が赴くは星の海原 April 7, 2012 February 27, 2014
November 15, 2017
3 "Escape from the Jupiter Sphere" 木星圏脱出 June 30, 2012 February 27, 2014
November 22, 2017
4 "Gravestone on a Frozen Field" 氷原の墓 June 30, 2012 February 27, 2014
November 29, 2017
5 "The Trap on All Sides" 死角なき罠 June 30, 2012 April 24, 2014
December 6, 2017
6 "The Sun Sets on Pluto" 冥王の落日 June 30, 2012 April 24, 2014
December 13, 2017
7 "Farewell to the Solar System" 太陽圏に別れを告げて October 13, 2012 April 24, 2014
December 20, 2017
8 "Wish Upon a Star" 星に願いを October 13, 2012 April 24, 2014
December 27, 2017
9 "Clockwork Prisoner" 時計仕掛けの虜囚 October 13, 2012 June 26, 2014
January 3, 2018
10 "Graveyard of the Universe" 大宇宙の墓場 October 13, 2012 June 26, 2014
January 10, 2018
11 "A World I Once Saw" いつか見た世界 January 12, 2013 June 26, 2014
January 17, 2018
12 "What Lies Beyond" その果てにあるもの January 12, 2013 June 26, 2014
January 24, 2018
13 "The Wolf from Another Dimension" 異次元の狼 January 12, 2013 August 28, 2014
January 31, 2018
14 "The Whisper of the Witch" 魔女はささやく January 12, 2013 August 28, 2014
February 7, 2018
15 "Point of No Return" 帰還限界点 April 14, 2013 August 28, 2014
February 14, 2018
16 "A Choice for the Future" 未来への選択 April 14, 2013 August 28, 2014
February 21, 2018
17 "Out of the Forest of Memory" 記憶の森から April 14, 2013 February 28, 2018 273
18 "Over the Black Light" 昏き光を越えて April 14, 2013 March 7, 2018 246
19 "They're Coming!" 彼らは来た June 15, 2013 March 14, 2018 245
20 "Under a Rainbow Sun" 七色の陽のもとに June 15, 2013 March 21, 2018 230
21 "Prison Planet 17" 第十七収容所惑星 June 15, 2013 March 28, 2018 211
22 "The Planet That We Head For" 向かうべき星 June 15, 2013 April 4, 2018 210
23 "One Man's War" たった一人の戦争 August 24, 2013 April 11, 2018 199[3]
24 "The Distant Promised Land" 遥かなる約束の地 August 24, 2013 April 18, 2018 143
25 "The Forever War" 終わりなき戦い August 24, 2013 April 25, 2018 Not provided
26 "Memories of the Blue Planet" 青い星の記憶 August 24, 2013 May 2, 2018 Yamato returns to Earth December 8, 2199

See Also[]


  1. An unofficial analysis by DanGeorge argues that the days left given at the end of each episode should be applied to the events of the subsequent episode.
  2. A planned series of home video releases by Voyager Entertainment was suspended on August 27, 2014.
  3. DanGeorge's analysis also points out that this number is likely a mistake. See the episode article for details.