Space Battleship Yamato Wiki

The Iscandarian civilization, commonly known as Iscandar, was the first human interstellar civilization, originating from the planet Iscandar. It developed into a powerful empire that expanded beyond its homeworld and brought war to the Large Magellanic Cloud. This expansion was fueled by a desire to encompass as many people as possible within the Sanctel. In pursuit of this goal, Iscandar enslaved a group of Galmans, which subsequently became known as the Garmillas race.

Eventually, after the majority of Iscandarians were integrated into the Sanctel, Queen Stasha ascended to the throne and redirected Iscandar’s objectives. She abandoned the old goal of expansion and shifted the focus towards promoting and pursuing the salvation of all sentient life in the universe. To this end, Stasha sent her two sisters on a mission to Earth to save it from a devastating war with the Greater Garmillan Empire.

Iscandar ultimately ceased to exist in October 2205 as a result of the Iscandar Incident, which led to the destruction of the planet Iscandar and the deaths of the last two surviving Iscandarians. Stasha's daughter, Sasha Iscandar Kodai, a hybrid of Earthling and Iscandarian, is believed to be the final holder of the essence of the Iscandarian civilization.


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Known vehicles[]


Japanese language information[]

  • イスカンダル文明 Isukandaru bunmei
  • イスカンダル Isukandaru