Space Battleship Yamato Wiki

The Earth Federation Cosmo Force (EFCF), formerly known as the United Nations Cosmo Force (UNCF), is the space based military branch of the United Nations Joint Forces and the Earth Federation. It rose to a position of prominence in the global coalition during the Great Garmillas War, and continued to play a role of the utmost importance in the Gatlantis Campaign.


UNCF patch

UNCF uniform patch worn aboard UNCN ships

The Cosmo Force is the space force branch of the United Nations Forces. It's organized into two primary branches: the United Nations Cosmo Navy and the United Nations Cosmo Marines, respectively the space navy and space cavalry, in addition, the UNCF operates Space Defense Command, a special command that, during the Great Garmillas War, took on the roles of ground and air defense of the Earth following the incapacitation of the other U.N.F. branches.[3][5] The Cosmo Force also operates the Transport Fleet, the Emergency Deployment Unit and the Outer Defense Division.[6][7][8]

Before the onset of the war, the UNCF was overseen by the UN Space Defense Committee, however it is unclear if the organ continued to exist after the conflict's end.[8][9]

Like the rest of the U.N.F. the UNCF passed under the control of the Earth Federation following the dissolution of the United Nations. Once the transition between the two governments was completed the organization was renamed Earth Federation Cosmo Force (EFCF).[10]


Early history and the Garmillas War[]

For this topic in more detail, see Great Garmillas War

In 2168, four years after the Martian Autonomous Government declared independence, the United Nations created the United Nations Cosmo Navy to counter the Martian Autonomous Government Space Navy. The UNCN would go on to become one of the main formations of the United Nations Cosmo Force.[11]

Serizawa announces war

Serizawa announces the Space Defense Committee's decision to go to war

On April 1, 2191, the Uranus Surveillance Station detected alien warships entering the Solar system. The Cosmo Force immediately responded by mobilizing the Inner Planetary Defense Fleet and at least part of the Japanese Fleet to intercept them. The vessels had been sent by the Greater Garmillan Empire, which had identified the Earth as a candidate for Garmillasforming. It was the standard garmillan tactic at that time to compel their opponent to fire first, and then launch an invasion once they had a justifiable casus belli. The UN promptly fell into this trap, and Director of Military Affairs Kotetsu Serizawa ordered the Cosmo Navy forces to launch a pre-emptive strike on the alien fleet.[9][11]


Planet bombs falling on the scorched Earth

This event sparked the Great Garmillas War, one of the most devastating conflicts in the history of the Earth. From 2192,[11] in the aftermath of a massive earthling counterattack near Mars, the Garmillas Empire began a long-range bombing of the Earth using planet bombs, a type of weapon of mass destruction which releases substantial amounts of radiation upon impact. The bombs were also used to seed native garmillan plants on the planet, which paired with the radiation, rendered the Earth's surface uninhabitable by the end of the decade, forcing the remaining Earthlings to retreat to a series of underground cities. The ongoing bombings destroyed most UNJ assets on the planet's surface, causing the impairment of the traditional Ground, Navy, and Air Force branches. The ground and air defense of the Earth was passed to the Cosmo Force, specifically to Space Defense Command under Cosmo Navy Admiral Ryu Hijikata.[3][11][1]

Second Battle of Mars wreckage

Wreckages left over by Operation K2

In 2198,[11] the Cosmo Force launched a desperate attack against the Garmillas forces to drive them out of the inner solar system. Codenamed Operation K2, this battle was commanded by Cosmo Navy Admiral Juzo Okita and saw the mobilization of all remaining naval assets and the forces of Space Defense Command.[3] The battle proved a success but caused tremendous losses on the Earth's side. In the same year, the United Nations was contacted by a messenger from planet Iscandar, which offered them the Cosmo Reverse System, a device that could cure the Earth's ruined biosphere. However, the device couldn't be physically transferred from Iscandar to the Earth. Instead, a vessel would need to travel to the Large Magellanic Cloud, Iscandar's galaxy, and retrieve it. The UN was offered the plans for a Wave-motion Engine which would allow a Earthling ship to travel at FTL speeds and reach its destination. The space battleship Yamato was constructed for this purpose and was launched under Okita's command in February of 2199.[11] By this time,  experts believed that the Earth could've sustained human life for a maximum of another year.[1][12]

Yamato receives Cosmo Reverse System

Yamato retrieving the Cosmo Reverse System

Yamato's journey to the Large Magellanic Cloud proved to be pivotal not only for saving the Earthling homeworld but also for ending the Garmillas War. The crews' actions destabilized the Desler administration, the authoritarian regime which had been ruling over Garmillas for more than a decade,[13] and caused its final collapse on July 16[11] during the Battle of the Imperial Capital.[14][15][16][17][18] An armistice was immediately signed between Okita and the new Garmillan interim government. Queen Stasha of Iscandar pushed to include a clause against Wave-motion Energy based weaponry in the treaty.[19][20]

Yamato returned to Earth on December 8 with the Cosmo Reverser. The Earth was restored, and the war was officially ended the following year with a peace treaty between Garmillas and the Earth.[21][22]

A Stronger Cosmo Force[]

Kiiman Burrel Serizawa Todo launch event

Todo and Serizawa, the new commanders of the UNCF, together with the Garmillas Ambassador to the Earth and his military attacheé

Following the end of the Garmillas War, the Earth's government underwent a period of reorganization.[23] The United Nations was replaced by the Earth Federation, and a transition process was started to transfer power between the various national governments of the Earth into a single, unified planetary administration.[24] The Cosmo Force was also part of this reorganization. Together with the rest of the United Nations Forces, it was transferred under the authority of the Federation. Heikuro Todo, former Chief Administrator of the Far-East District, was named U.N.F. General Commanding Director with Serizawa as his deputy.[23][25]

Dreadnought dimensional time fault factory

A series of Dreadnought-class Vanguard Starships equipped with Wave-motion Guns in construction within the time fault

In 2201[23] amid reconstruction, a pocket dimension created by the Cosmo Reverser was discovered underneath the Earth's new capital, where time seemed to flow ten times faster than outside. That same year, the UNCF leadership announced the Wave-motion Gun fleet plan, a project seeking to rearm the Cosmo Navy by building ships armed with Wave-motion Guns. A factory was set up within the time dilation zone, and construction of the new warships began. The project went against the treaty with Iscandar, however, according to the Earth leadership, the accord was merely an arbitrary promise without any legal value, as Okita at the time did not wield the necessary plenipotentiary authority to negotiate on behalf of the Earth. Despite this, the plan was still controversial and was opposed by various parties, most notably by Yamato's former crew and Admiral Ryu Hijikata. For his unwillingness to comply, Hijikata was removed from his post of Commander of Space Defense Command and was instead given command of the Outer Defense Division, effectively exiling him from the inner solar system and alienating him from the military's leadership.[25][26]


Andromeda's debut

The Earth also signed a mutual defense treaty with the Greater Garmillan Empire, creating a de-facto military alliance between the two nations and solidifying the Earth's first steps as an interplanetary power. The treaty was activated once the Gatlantis Empire invaded the Garmillan-controlled Eighth Floating Continent. On December 2, 2202,[11] a joint operation between the Imperial Garmillas Defense Force and the Cosmo Navy was carried out, which saw the debut of the new flagship of the Earth Federation Cosmo Fleet, the Andromeda-class battleship Andromeda armed with a Dispersion Wave-motion Gun.[11][26][4]

Yamato Revolt[]

For this topic in more detail, see Yamato Revolt

Yamato crew revolt

Yamato's crew agrees to defect

On December 2,[11] the former Yamato crew received a telepathic message from the goddess Teresa of Terezart. She called them to her planet, which had fallen under occupation by the Gatlantis Empire. Once he found out about the call, the Garmillas Ambassador Loren Burrell contacted Lieutenant Susumu Kodai, the former tactics officer of the battleship. He informed Kodai of the many legends surrounding Terezart and the goddess, who had been guiding the various human species for thousands of years. Kodai was also informed of the existence of the time fault by Burrell's military attachée. With this newfound information, the Lieutenant formally asked Commander Todo to send the Yamato on an expedition toward Terezart. Once Todo opposed this proposition, he reunited the battleship's former crewmembers still on Earth and prepared to launch clandestinely. Kodai was also named acting commander for the expedition instead of Executive Officer Shiro Sanada.[6][7][4][26]

Emergency Deployement Unit

The Emergency Deployement Unit approach Yamato

When the crew's real intentions became clear, Serizawa sent the Emergency Deployment Unit to take control of the underwater drydock where Yamato was undergoing renovations. However, the battleship had been secretly moved to the abandoned underground city underneath the drydock. Despite Todo's ultimatum, the ship took off, destroyed a defense satellite, and was quickly joined in their revolt by the Yamamoto Team, an air unit of the Lunar Air Corps made out of former Yamato aviators.[6][7][27]

Todo Ratifies Yamato's revolt

Todo ratifies Yamato's journey

Andromeda was launched to pursue the rebelling battleship, and the two clashed at the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter. The skirmish was interrupted by a video message from Todo and the UNCF leaders on behalf of the Earth Federation President. Thanks to Burrell's meddling, Yamato's journey had been approved by the federal government, and all those participating in it were now free of all charges.[27]

Gatlantis Campaign[]

Planet 11 and Yamato's second journey[]

Gatlantis Legionnaire Cannon

The Gatlantis fleet in orbit of Planet 11

On December 24,[11] the Gatlantis Empire attacked Planet 11, bombing its settlement and cutting all communication between the world and the rest of the Solar system. Admiral Hijikata tried to surrender to avoid civilian losses, but the Gatlantean commander seemed unfamiliar with such a concept and refused to stand down. The Outer Defense Division was all but wiped out. A cosmo marine of the 7th Space Cavalry Regiment managed to break Gatlantis's blockade with an experimental craft and reached the Yamato for help. Todo and Serizawa's ordered them not to engage Gatlantis, as Planet 11 was a joint colony with Garmillas, and thus, the other side's approval was needed before carrying out an operation. Despite this, Yamato moved in any way to rescue the surviving colonists. In the subsequent battle, Gatlantis amassed an enormous fleet counting in the millions of ships and tried to assemble a superweapon that could've destroyed the Sun. Despite this, Yamato debilitated the invading fleet and fled the planet with the survivors on board, including Admiral Hijikata and the cosmo marines regiment.[26][28][29]

Space Cavalry Terezart tanks

Yamato's space cavalry during the liberation of Terezart

Yamato encountered Gatlantis once again 4 days later[11] at the planet Stravase, where it was caught in a three-way battle between a Garmillan terror group and a series of reanimated corpses that had been planted by the Gatlantean Emperor, Zworder. The battleship would go on to liberate planet Terezart from both Gatlantis and the forces of the fallen Garmillas Supreme Leader Abelt Desler. During the mission to free the planet, Hijikata was named captain of Yamato.[30][31][32][33][34]

War comes to the Solar system[]

UNCN fleet Earth and Moon

The Yamanami fleet prepares for combat

In May on 2203,[11] Gatlantis began carrying out small hit and run attacks against the Earth Federation's Peripheral Fleet[11] on Pluto, Neptune and the Asteroid belt. Serizawa believed these were diversions in preparation for a full-scale war. In addition, thanks to data retrieved by Yamato during its journey, the UNCF understood that the White Comet, an object of Jovian scale capable of warping, was actually the empire's mobile capital and was heading straight to Earth. From the testimonies of the Planet 11 survivors it became clear that Gatlantis had no wish to negotiate and that utter destruction was their only goal. The time fault factory continued to operate at full capacity, but as Serizawa pointed out in a meeting, for the UNCF forces to be able to stand theirground against the enemy further cooperation between the private and military sectors was needed. In the meantime, Project G, a project for the evacuation of the Earth, was drafted. It was to be activated in case the war took a turn for the worst.[35]

Dreadnought Saturn forward closeup

Yamanami Fleet Dreadnought-classes at the Battle of Saturn

Preparing for the conflict, the UNCN stationed the Ginga fleet near Jupiter, the Yamanami fleet in orbit of the Moon while the Enceladus Defense Unit remained waiting near Saturn. In addition, a friendly Garmillas fleet was stationed near Mars.[11] On May 8,[11] Gatlantis's Seventh mobile fleet attacked Saturn and engaged in full combat with the UNCN forces. As the Battle of Saturn commenced, the Yamanami Fleet reached the planet and the E.F.G. Congress offically declared war against Gatlantis. The battle was initially a stalemate until the White Comet warped to the battlefield. Unleashing its hypergravity, the Comet made the Earth fleet break formation resulting in heavy losses, including the Andromeda-class Apollo Norm, and causing heavy damage to the flagship Andromeda. Even Yamato's plan to use a new more powerfull variant of the Wave-motion Gun failed due to a sabotage carried out by a gatlantean spy, and the battleship fell into the White Comet's gravity field, it was May 9,[36] 2203.[35][37]

Ginga forward port leading Garmillas

Ginga and the Garmillas fleet

Following the devastation at Saturn, the remmaining forces of the Yamanami and Enceladus fleets joined the Ginga Fleet and the Garmillas fleet and, through a series of Walls of Garmillas Subject, they temporaarily halted Gatlantis's advance. Ginga, flagship of the Ginga fleet and the cruiser designated to carry out Plan G, became the center point of the Earth Federation's attack and defense. A new generation vessel, the ship was effectively under the control of its command AI, with the crew's function being reduced to merely approving the computer's decision. This was the culmination of the UNCF's plans for mass production. Gatlantis eventually broke the anti-warp field and the comet moved into the mars area, where an absolute line of defense was established.[38][39]

Ginga CRS

Ginga boosts Andromeda's DWIE to rescue Yamato

With the overall losses within the Garmillas-Earth joint forces reaching 50% of their overall strength, Ginga's AI commenced Project G and the ship retreatreated from the frontlines. At the same time, the repaired Andromeda under Captain Osamu Yamanami carried out a last desperate attack against the imperial capital. Yamanami managed to spot Yamato, which was trying to flee the White Comet's gravity field after finding out critical information on how to stop Gatlantis's advance. Andromeda was joined by Ginga, which had refused to execute Project G, and together the two warships rescued Yamato by damaging the Comet's gravitational core.[40]

Teresa restores Yamato

Teresa aids Yamato in its final attack

Having breached the Mars line of defense, on June 2,[11] Gatlantis reached the Earth and declared global dominance. With its forces almost entirely annhilated, the UNCF was forced to relay entirely on the garmillan navy and Yamato in the last battle of the war. Yamato stormed Emperor Zworder's throne room, where they had discovered the existance of Golem, a device that could instantly kill all Gatlanteans. In a surprising turn of events, Zworder, knowing he would survive Golem, activated the device himself and fully awakened the White Comet to its true form as the Archelian Ark of Destruction. The Ark first fired at the Moon, partially dedstroying it, then prepared to fire another shot to annhilate the Earth. Yamato, helmed solely by Kodai and his fiancée, Lt. Yuki Mori, made a suicide runagainst the Ark, hoping to buy enough time for the Earth's citiens to evacuate; however, with aid from Teresa herself, the battleship completely destroyed the Ark of Destruction, ending the Gatlantis Campaign.[41][42]

The Referendum[]

Meeting referendum

The plan to save Kodai and Mori is proposed

Following the end of the war with Gatlantis, construction of DWIE-equipped vessels continued. 6 months after, Yamato somehow reappeared in the time fault, aboard it carried Ensign Akira Yamamoto. According to her, the battleship had been transported to Teresa's dimension following its final attack, with it were Mori and Kodai who were still stuck in the other realm. To save them, a delegation composed of Sanada, Yamanami, Yamamoto and Ginga's commander proposed a mission to save the two, however, to get the energy necessary to send a vessel in Teresa's dimension, the time fault would need to be sacrificed.[43]

Thanks once again to Burrell's political pressure, the Earth Federation agreed on a referendum over whether to go through with the time fault's sacrifice. The referendum was held on December 30,[44] Sanada and Serizawa served as speakers of their respective factions, but ultimately even Serizawa voted in favour of the proposal.[45] The same day, Yamato was sent into Teresa's world and promptly retrieved the two officers, returning at the dawn of the following day.[11] The decision to sacrifice the fault ushered in a new era of reconstruction for the Cosmo Force.[43]

Rebuilding to match the scale of Earth[]

In the following year, the Cosmo Force was reorganized and changed its policy to the optimization of military assets to match the scale of the Earth.[46] Unfinished Dreadnought-class Vanguard Starships were converted into new designs, and others were modified to serve as part of the growing Transport Fleet, but were later granted to Garmillas to serve as part of their Immigration Plan.[47][48] By 2205 the transition between the Earth's national governments and the federation was completed, leading to the Cosmo Force being officially renamed Earth Federation Cosmo Force.[10][24]

Garmann and Dezariam[]

For this topic in more detail, see Iscandar Incident.

65th escort fleet takes off

The 65th Escort Corps takes off on October 2, 2205

In 2205, tension between the Greater Garmillan Empire and an interstellar power known as the Bolar Federation began to rise. Garmillas wanted control of the Bolar-occupied world Garmann, which was the only known planet with an habitat capable of sustaining long-term Garmillas colonisation. Fearing the situation may escalate into a full-blown conflict, in which the Earth would uninevitably be involved due to its vicinity with Bolar's borders, the Earth Federation decided to launch a diplomatic mission to Iscandar and Garmillas, hoping to showcase its new peacefull foreign policy. Yamato and its new fleet, the 65th Escort Corps, were chosen to escort this mission, and were launched on October 2.[10][24]

Save Iscandar! Rebellion of the Young Heroes!!

The 65th Escort Corps arrives at Iscandar

Unexpectedly, planet Garmillas fell under an attack from a previously unknown faction, Dezariam, which used its superior technology to destroy the planet. Once the news reached the Yamato, the diplomatic mission was cancelled and the battleship was forbid to send help to Garmillas out of fear of Bolar being behind the attack. However, the younger crewmembers aboard Yamato rebelled and personally expelled the delegation members from the battleship with Kodai's approval, now the ship's captain.[49][50]

Yamato and the rest of the task force rushed in to help their allies, ultimately defeating the Dezarian forces.[50][51][52]

The Dezarian invasion[]

For this topic in more detail, see Dezariam Invasion of Earth.

Shino Todo

Between 2205 and 2207, key figures of the Earth Federation, including high ranking military officers, began being contacted by Dezariam, which revealed to them their origins as future Earthlings, and their intention to travel backwards in time to prevent a coming catastrophe that would destroy Earth itself. Among these officers was Cosmo Force[53] General Shino Todo, General Commanding Director Todo's sister and the commanding officer of the EDF's Intelligence Department. She became the leader of a group of Dezariam sympathizers, who infiltrated the military to prepare for Dezariam's coming.[54][55][56]

At the same time, Director Todo organized a response to Dezariam's invasion, the secretive Operation DAD. The groundwork for the operation included the dismantlement of the 65th Escort Corps, and its members being split apart and given new assigments, some even outside of the EFCF.[54]

However, when Dezariam invaded in October 2207, the defenses set up by Todo failed. The crews of the 65th Escort Corps were meant to meet up at Icarus Observatory,[56] where the Yamato was being outfitted to carry out a counterattack against Dezariam, but the Battleship-Carrier Hyuga remained stranded on Earth. During the invasion, the chain of command fell apart when the Dezariam sympathizers and Todo's Earth Federation Defense Command began giving out different orders to the troops defending the New Capital, including members of the Cosmo Marines. Eventually, Dezariam menaged to take control, with troops loyal to General Shino Todo storming headquarters.[54][55]

Following Dezariam's legitimization as an advisory organization to the Earth government, the EFCM's Space Cavalry began collaborating with the Dezariam Army and was tasked with keeping order throughout the New Capital.[57]


See Category: UNCF Personnel for individuals not serving in either the EF Cosmo Navy or the EF Cosmo Marines.

Senior officers of the EFCF include:

Units and branches[]

Uniforms and Protective Gear[]

Other emblems[]


  • The Cosmo Force's acronym is spelled both as UNCF and U.N.C.F.[61] After the name change, EFCF and E.F.C.F are both used.[62]
  • The Cosmo Force's emblem resembles the one used by the Earth Defense Force in the original Yamato: The New Voyage, sseen at the Space Warriors Training School.[63]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 "Messenger of Iscandar"
  2. "Tension – Reach the Embassy on the Moon"
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Space Battleship Yamato 2199 Complete Works, Volume 1, pp. 114-117
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 "AD 2202 - Revive, Space Battleship Yamato"
  5. Space Battleship Yamato 2199: Voyage of Remembrance Blu Ray exclusive content: Earth organization commentary
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 "Tension – Reach the Embassy on the Moon"
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 "Departure to the Unknown!"
  8. 8.0 8.1 Yamato 2202 character guide
  9. 9.0 9.1 "A World I Once Saw"
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 "A Galactic War is About to Break Out! Assemble the Yamato Fleet!!"
  11. 11.00 11.01 11.02 11.03 11.04 11.05 11.06 11.07 11.08 11.09 11.10 11.11 11.12 11.13 11.14 11.15 11.16 11.17 "The Era of Space Battleship Yamato: Choice of 2202"
  12. "Toward a Sea of Stars"
  13. Desler era official timeline from the Space Battleship Yamato 2202 Chapter 5 theatrical program book
  14. "What Lies Beyond"
  15. "Point of No Return"
  16. "Prison Planet 17"
  17. "The Planet That We Head For"
  18. "One Man's War"
  19. "The Distant Promised Land"
  20. Yamato 2199 Secret File 03: The steep but bright future of the Garmillas provisional government
  21. "Memories of the Blue Planet"
  22. Era of Yamato official website timeline
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 The Era of Space Battleship Yamato: Choice of 2202 DVD Special Record Book
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 Space Battleship Yamato 2205 Complete Works litterary materials pp 138-139
  25. 25.0 25.1 Yamato 2202 character data
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 "Shock – Legacy of the Cosmo Reverse"
  27. 27.0 27.1 "Clash! Yamato vs. Andromeda"
  28. "Battle to the Death – The 11th Planet Rescue Operation"
  29. "The Beam of Light Flashes! / Radiance of the Wave Motion Gun"
  30. "The Trap at Planet Stravase!"
  31. "The Terezart Landing Operation – Crush the Enemy Missile Fleet!"
  32. "Zurvival's Fierce Assault - Find Teresa"
  33. "O Teresa, Cry for Desler!"
  34. "Farewell, Teresa! Flowers for Two Deslers"
  35. 35.0 35.1 "Battle off the Coast of Saturn - Gather the Wave Motion Gun Fleet!"
  36. "The Era of Yamato" dates Yamato's repairs on May 29 and states that the battleship fell on Zemuria 20 days prior, meaning the event must take place on May 9
  37. "Yamato in Crisis - The Devil's Alternative Once More"
  38. "Heir to the Yamato, Her Name is Ginga"
  39. "Gatlantis, the Cursed Children"
  40. "Escape from the Nightmare!"
  41. "Yamato, Attack the Comet Empire!"
  42. "Farewell, Space Battleship Yamato"
  43. 43.0 43.1 "Earth, Yamato is..."
  44. "The Era of Space Battleship Yamato: Choice of 2202" establishes that Yamato returns to the Earth on December 31, 2203. Since the ship returns at dawn, and it was launched immediately after the referendum, as its seen being prepared during Sanada's speech, the voting must occur on December 30
  45. Yamato 2205 recap clip
  46. Yamato 2205 Character Data
  47. Yamato 2205 Mecha Data
  48. Space Battleship Yamato 2205 Complete Works p.23
  49. "The Last Day of Garmillas"
  50. 50.0 50.1 "Save Iscandar! Rebellion of the Young Heroes!!"
  51. "Emergency Order! Yamato, Shoot Iscandar!!"
  52. "Hello Sasha"
  53. The EFCF's uniform patch is seen on Shino Todo's uniform
  54. 54.0 54.1 54.2 "Begin the Secret Operation! Head for the New Yamato!"
  55. 55.0 55.1 "The Silent Invasion! Ginga, Take Up Your Arms!"
  56. 56.0 56.1 "Shocking! The Dezarium's Dark Millennium of History!"
  57. Be Forever Yamato: REBEL 3199 MECHANIC chapter 2 entry for the Type 5 Space Mobile Armor
  58. 58.0 58.1 58.2 Space Battleship Yamato 2199 Model Sheet Design Collection EARTH p.235
  59. Space Battleship Yamato 2202 Complete Works Vol.2 p.30
  60. Space Battleship Yamato 2202 Complete Works Vol.1 p.19
  61. See the UNCF patch and the UNCN emblem
  62. See the designations on Asuka and Hyuga, and the designation on Arcturus
  63. Yamato: The New Voyage

Japanese language information[]

  • 国連宇宙軍 Kokuren uchū-gun (United Nations Cosmo Force)
  • 地球連邦宇宙軍 Chikyū renpō uchū-gun (Earth Federation Cosmo Force)