Space Battleship Yamato Wiki

This article is for the Dezarians as portrayed in Space Battleship Yamato 2205: A New Journey and its sequels. For the Dezarians as portrayed in Yamato: The New Voyage and Be Forever Yamato, see Dezarians (OS).

You have no idea how much effort we've put into being humans

Isidore, to Yuki Mori[2]

The Dezarians (Homo Dezariam), also known simply as the Dezariam, are an artificial sentient race that evolved from Earthling humans. According to their own account of Earth's future history, the first mechanized Earthlings were created around 2517 when Earth utilized the technology of the Gatlanteans, an extinct race of artificial humans, to rebuild their bodies. The first proper Dezarians came into being after the Great Loss. By the year 3001, all Earthlings had accepted to evolve into Dezarians.

The Dezarians are the sole inhabitants of the nation of Dezariam, which is governed by the strategy AI known as Mother Dezariam. This AI also serves as the central figure of the Dezarians' bio-network, a shared consciousness that connects all members of the species. Although the Dezarians acknowledge that they have evolved beyond their human origins, they have made concerted efforts to maintain a connection to their roots. This is exemplified by their creation of artificial families for their young, despite the lack of biological relationships and their fully mechanized method of reproduction.


Vitruvian Man - Homo Dezariam

The Dezarians artificially evolved from the Earthling human species

While the Dezarians maintain the bipedal form typical of all human species, they no longer consider themselves human.[3][6] Their bodies and reproduction methods are entirely artificial. A Dezarian's first body is created from a random combination of preserved genes, and then their brain and spine are transplanted into biomechanical bodies[7][8] based on the Gatlantean race.[3]

To simulate human growth, a Dezarian child transitions between bodies as they age.[7] Adults retain the ability to move their consciousness between different bodies, which can even be separated by astronomical distances.[6] Some Dezarian bodies are specifically tuned for combat.[3]

All Dezarians are connected to a bio-network through Com-Medals. The strategic AI known as Mother Dezariam oversees this hive mind and can communicate with all Dezarians connected to it. These Com-Medals not only share a Dezarian's thoughts and physical conditions with Mother Dezariam but also facilitate communication between Dezarians.[9]

Skulldart's true appearance

Skulldart, a bald Dezarian displaying red-colored scleras

Most[3] of the Dezarian population has skin that ranges from light blue to grey.[9] However, they can disguise their appearance, allowing for changes in both hair and skin color.[3] Dezarians exhibit a variety of hair colors,[3][9] although a noticeable percentage of them are bald.[3][9][10] Their eyes resemble those of other humans, but under certain conditions—such as during combat—a Dezarian can change the color of their sclera to match the color of the iris. When this happens, a thick black outline also appears around the eye.[3][11]


For this topic in more detail, see Dezariam (2199)#History.

The first Earthlings were mechanized through reverse-engineered Gatlantean biotechnology around the year 2517. These were the only Earthlings in the solar system that survived the opening of a spatial rupture near Saturn in 2798.[3][12]

Following the tragic event, the Dezarian race proper was created, with all Earthlings accepting to evolve in Dezarians by 3001.[12][13]

Following the Invasion of the Ground Reverse, carried out in the year 3199 of the Dezarians' time, the Earth of the year 2207 was taken over by Dezariam. A sizeable Dezarian community colonized the planet, as their engineers worked to close the spatial rupture before it could manifest.[2] The possible implications of this major change in history were not clear, with even the erasure of the Dezarians' present being a possibility. However, Dezariam chose to go through with the plan.[12]

Culture and Society[]

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While not much is know about the Dezarian society, there has been a close attempt to replicate and retain roots towards their original human selves with even amongst the ranks of the military having a recurring theme for listening to classic music, some notable cases being Deda onboard the Great Pleiades listening to "Clare De Lune" in several instances, and the commander of battleship Grodez, who listened to the Austrian Hungarian piece "Radetzky March" during a battle against Bolar Forces, even tapping his foot to the rhythm of the drumbeats. It is unclear whether the entire ship is broadcasting the music internally using speakers, or this is ultimately a part of their modified physiology and or connection to the AI Mother Dezarium.

Furthermore, In spite of their generally augmented and mechanical origins, the general Dezarian population tend to gravitate towards keeping their human roots, being that a group of civilian Dezarians during the welcoming ceremony would be seen before the stage of a singer, creating conversations, several instances of families despite the lack of biological similarities, using traditional furnishings in rooms, and attending/emulating basic needs like sleep.

Several, if not most or all Dezarians are linked to Mother Dezarium using collars with a red light, primarily being used for communication and interfacing with their physiology, the red light flashing whenever activity is ongoing, such as during a broadcast from Mother Dezarium to all of the Dezarian population, just after the capture of Sasha Iscandar Kodai, of "A New Chapter" in history.

On the Dezarians' humanity[]


Notable Individuals[]


Behind the scenes[]

The term "Dezarian" was first introduced in Deda's character description for Space Battleship Yamato 2205: A New Journey.[10] In various instances on-screen, the term "Dezariam" is used interchangeably to refer to both the country and its people.[9][14] The official English subtitles consistently translate this term as "the Dezarium," indicating they are referring to the species rather than the nation.[9][3] Additionally, the term "Homo Dezariam" (rendered as "Homo Dezarium" in the subtitles) was first mentioned by Skulldart in episode three of Be Forever Yamato: REBEL 3199.[3]


  1. "Emergency Order! Yamato, Shoot Iscandar!!"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 "Fierce Clash! Destroy the Invisible Battleship!"
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 "Shocking! The Dezarium's Dark Millennium of History!"
  4. 4.0 4.1 "[[Fire the Starting Gun! The New Battleship Yamato Comes to Life! ]]"
  5. "Save Iscandar! Rebellion of the Young Heroes!!"
  6. 6.0 6.1 "Alphon Infiltrates! Get Back Sasha!"
  7. 7.0 7.1 CHARACTERS Be Forever Yamato: REBEL 3199 entry for Fleur
  8. "The true dark history of the earth told by Dezariam" poster
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 "Fierce Clash! Destroy the Invisible Battleship!"
  10. 10.0 10.1 CHARACTERS Space Battleship Yamato 2205: A New Journey entry for Deda
  11. "The Last Day of Garmillas"
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 "The True Dark History of Earth, as told by Dezarium" poster
  13. Be Forever Yamato: REBEL 3199 Chapter 2 program book p. 16
  14. CHARACTERS Be Forever Yamato: REBEL 3199 entry for Mother Dezariam

Japanese language information[]

  • デザリアム人 Dezariamu-jin (Dezarians)
  • デザリアム Dezariamu (Dezariam)
  • ホモ・デザリアム Homo Dezariamu (Homo Dezariam)